प्रबंधन सूचना और निर्णय विज्ञान जर्नल



A Study Highlighting Macro Issues of the Construction Workers in Indore (The Cleanest Indian City)

Sarrah Bharawala

The Indian Construction industry is one of the largest contributors to the annual economic growth approx12. Being a labor intensive Industry, the Indian construction labor force consists of 7.5% of the World Work force, it is a major source of employment for the unskilled laborers in the developing cities of India like Indore. This research focuses on the current problems of the construction workers of Indore city along with the improvement in the conditions of workers mentioned in the prior research effort in this field in the same region. This study was conducted Through Fifty Survey Responses of construction workers that identified physical problems, psychological problems, economic problems, educational level, work environment, lifestyle choices of the construction workers. In this study quantitative technique was used while taking personal interviews from the workers to determine the problems faced by them.