कानूनी, नैतिक और नियामक मुद्दों का जर्नल



Basic Public Service Partnership Model Based on Gender Perspective in Makassar City, Indonesia

Dahyar Daraba, Haedar Akib, M Said Saggaf, Andi Cahaya, Rudi Salam

The partnership model of actors in public services based on gender perspectives is important to be studied and shared by the public in Indonesia, as the population by sex, workplace, and the nature of the work is not proportional. Law No. 39/1999 on Human Rights Article 49 affirms that women are entitled to vote, be elected, appointed in employment, occupation and profession, and obtain special protection in their work or profession on matters that threaten safety and or health. Similarly, reasons pertain to the reproductive function in which women are guaranteed and protected by law. This research aims to analyze and explain the partnership model in basic public service based on gender equality in Makassar City. Research type and approach is descriptive-qualitative. Research location in Makassar City 2015-2017. Primary data is obtained through observation and interviews with informants serving as public service providers and users of public services. The results of the study found that the implementation of basic public services (education, health and creative economy) in Makassar City shows the existence of proportional and professional actor partnership based on the sex of the service provider, the work unit and the type or nature of the work performed by the actor researched. Based on the result of this research analysis is constructed prototype of basic public service partnership model based on gender equality perspective. The prototype of this public service model is based on the involvement of six pillars of civil society as actors that act synergistically, ie government institutions, private institutions, local institutions in the community, persons in units of community empowerment, police and the press