एकेडमी ऑफ मार्केटिंग स्टडीज जर्नल



Challenges & Barriers for Nature Based Solutions for Indian Landscape

Shruti Sharma Rana and Vedika Singh

Nature based Solutions (NbS) plays a pivotal role in addressing complex environmental and socio-economic challenges. By adopting NbS in various domains of planning, adaptation and mitigation, the benefits of creating a harmonious balance between nature and development can be achieved for long term sustainability. The paper provides an overarching view on the potential challenges and barriers involved in the widescale adoption of NbS in India. Adopting NbS is a collective endeavor that requires the participation of all stakeholders including governments, private sector, academia and local communities. The present paper resulted from the collaborative co-production of knowledge, involving the participation of over 20 experts representing various stakeholders. These experts engaged in discussions with an audience of approximately 700 individuals during a five-part series of deliberations hosted at the TERI School of Advanced Studies in partnership with The Nature Conservancy India and The Collaborative for Applied Sustainability Solutions (ICASS). The white paper presents a list of recommendations that can be integrated in current development agenda to translate NbS concept into actionable strategies with emphasis on the need for establishing regulatory frameworks, funding strategies, financial mechanisms, stakeholder collaboration, data monitoring and evaluation along with addressing the need for equitable distribution of benefits. In conclusion, the paper provides a comprehensive roadmap for enhancing the adoption of quality NbS projects that would foster sustainable development, mitigate climate change and build overall resilience for the future along with co-benefiting all stakeholders including communities, businesses and governments.