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Competency based Job Description Leads to Organizational Productivity: An Integrated Literature Review Approach

Swarnalatha and Sankar Mukherjee

Purpose: In today’s competitive world attracting the potential members for the organization is becoming a big challenge for the HR managers. To attract the right applicants for the organization, it is important to use different job descriptions. A vital source of innovation and increased competitiveness is human capital. It requires a methodical procedure to determine the competencies necessary to produce improved performance at work in order to fully realize its potential and boost the organization's value to it. Design/ Methodology/approach: The study examined systematic methods to collect the information on designing competency-based job descriptions. A competency-based job description helps to outline the knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviors (KSABs) that are crucial for doing a specific job well. The systematic literature review (SLR) methodology for "Impact of Designing Competency-based Job description on Organizational Productivity”. A comprehensive search strategy was developed, utilizing relevant keywords and databases to identify studies. Findings: One of the main problems with job descriptions is that they are not actively utilized; an important factor affecting the success of a job description program is making sure that the job description stays updated. Job descriptions should also be reviewed when a key person affecting someone’s job leaves or changes, if the employee or supervisor requests a review or if there are continuous problems in the department. Changes in essential functions, technology and organizational dynamics are elements that have an effect on job descriptions. Sometimes, small changes are ignored and accumulate until they make a considerable difference in work. Finding the finest individuals, managing performance and delivering training and growth for your staff. The job description should be given top importance if an organization wants to find ways to enhance its talent management procedure. If an organization is searching for a way to improve the talent management process, then it is important to consider the job description as a high priority. According to the survey it is crucial to take stakeholders’ interests and concerns into account when creating competency-based job descriptions. This will make it obvious how to design competency-based job descriptions clearly so that applicants may immediately understand their responsibilities. This will help applicants understand the requirements or tasks that must be accomplished.