सामरिक प्रबंधन जर्नल अकादमी



Corporate Governance, Analyses and Theories: The Case of Albania

Ylber Bezo, Rezart Dibra

Corporate governance is the system of rules, practices, and processes by which a firm is directed and controlled. Corporate governance refers to the entire system for managing and supervising a company. Corporate Governance is a broad term that defines the methods, structure and the processes of a company in which the business and affairs of the company are managed and directed. Corporate governance is the system by which business corporations are directed and controlled. Corporate Governance brings real benefits to corporations and financial institutions while laying down a clear framework for defining and achieving corporate objectives. Corporate governance describes how rights and responsibilities are distributed among corporate bodies according to applicable laws, rules and internal processes. Corporate governance also defines the decision-making systems and structure through which owners directly or indirectly control a company. This paper aims to create a methodology to measure responsible corporate governance, analysis effective corporate governance in Albania. Therefore, responsible corporate governance lies in entrepreneurial democracy, which systematically questions the organization’s mission and its relation to the common good. Good corporate governance therefore sets the balance between economic and social growth.