कानूनी, नैतिक और नियामक मुद्दों का जर्नल



Deconstruction Orientation of Village Forest Utilization Policy

I Wayan Rideng, I Nyoman Putu Budiartha, Ketut Adi Wirawan

Forests as the national development capital have real benefits for the life of the Indonesian people, in the form of; ecological, socio-cultural and economic. For this reason, forests must be managed, protected and used sustainably for the welfare of the community. Efforts to conserve forests cannot be carried out by the state without the participation of local communities in forest areas, considering that local communities will face various actions against the forest. To increase the role of the community in the forestry sector, therefore the issuance of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.83/Menlhk/Setjen/Kum.1/10/2016 concerning Social Forestry, the arrangements include: village forest, community forest, community plantation forest, forestry partnership; and customary forests. Regarding the study location at Wanagiri Village, the Governor of Bali issued a Decree on Village Forest Management Rights. Juridically, the policy on the role of indigenous peoples has not been determined. The implication for the technical arrangement is that there is an attitude of ambiguity, even though the synergistic role between the Customary Village and the Official Village as Village Forest Management Rights recipients is very good at improving community welfare and maintaining the value of local wisdom. This research focuses on Social Forestry, namely Village Forest which is analyzed from the issuance permit of the Wanagiri Village Forest, with the concept of Village Forest and its implementation, that the Village Forest program runs without involving customary society even though village institutions obtain the management rights of Village Forest requires the participation of customary institutions, both in form of human resources, consideration of action, and capital. So that the research is aimed at deconstructing the orientation of the Village Forest Program, so that it can work in synergy with customary institutions.