एकेडमी ऑफ मार्केटिंग स्टडीज जर्नल



Digital Integrated Marketing Communication (Dimc) and its Logical Relationship with Co-Branding and Brand Values with Reference to Coke Studio

Anand Shankar Raja M

Coke-studio has become very famous in the recent past attracting wide viewers across the world being very famous through the social media platform “YouTube”. This platform indeed gives an opportunity to young artists to display their talents. However, Coke-studio platform differs in the musical journey and creates a little difference among India and Pakistan; both the countries are unique in its own way. This article is just to understand the components, which can contribute to the success of Coke-studio by developing a digital IMC model considering three major variables known as: brand values, brand equity and co-branding efforts. Digital IMC and its impact on brand equity, brand values through co-branding efforts have been explained with a help of a diagrammatic work, which can be a success ingredient for Coke-studio. Through a careful content analysis the issues in traditional IMC has been analysed and a new model has been framed. This model has been suggested to Coke-studio to manage better customer experience, satisfaction and loyalty which will help to build good relationship with the end users in the digital arena. In this competitive era, making the competitors best-friends and working on “Mutual Benefits” is the success mantra. This is explained with an illustration explaining the benefits enjoyed by YouTube and Coke-studio in the light of Co-branding efforts. Online Social Media (OSM) enhances the e-brand equity because the digital consumer spends a minimum of 2 hours online increasing the brand presence for the marketer. Brand reputation builds brand equity for which new digital tools and technological platforms are needed. Thus one of the focus in this article is to build a framework to show how brand equity, brand image and brand values are enhanced through a Digital IMC. The success of communication reach is embedded through a motivational touch, which is given to the final consumers creating a sense of integrity. In the domain of Human Resource Management many theories on motivation is available. This article makes use of Vroom’s Motivational theory and model in the IMC model to show the importance of motivation to enhance customer’s loyalty and trust. This research article is a complete new package for the current Digi-economy for all the stakeholders. From the Digital-IMC model, it is understood that, variables such as memorable, likable, transferable, adaptable and protectable are very important for any entertainment service provides which can enhance the brand to a superior level. It is also mentioned that brands can join hands together which benefits both the businesses, and at the same time better brand vales can be created through unique episodes. From the article it is understood that Integrated Brand Communication model is needed rather than using just an IMC model in a traditional way. This idea has been placed in scope for future research which can be explored in a better way in the golden tomorrow. Thus, never stop with IMC but travel beyond to reach out to the customers through digital integration, which is the simple philosophy to be understood from this article. Marketing and branding are never constant, it keeps changing day to day based on the latest technology and usage of digital tools. Long gone are days where marking was only place, price and product utility but now it is much more that dealing with Digital tools and applications. The IMC loop has to have important variables such as business objectives, strategic communication plans, marketing mix, brand mix bounded with digital tools and application to create e-experience. This model is open to the universe for feedback and usage.
