उद्यमिता अकादमी जर्नल



Economic sustainability of the Covid 19 pandemic in the Uemoa countries: Relevance of the rescue plan in Senegal

Mamadou MBAYE

With a population of 120.2 million inhabitants (INS/C, 2018), UEMOA is facing a crisis in a context of almost general underdevelopment and the fight against terrorism. The pandemic is blocking growth efforts, worsening precariousness and testing already immature and very vulnerable economies. In each state, specific measures have been implemented to preserve citizens' income and the activity of its businesses. In Senegal, after a month of fighting against Covid 19, GDP fell by 0.5% compared to the previous quarter due to the underperformance of activities in the primary and tertiary sectors respectively estimated at (-0.6 %) and (-1.1%) according to Ands (2020). The objective of this article is to analyze the sustainability of the pandemic in the face of falling growth indicators.
