कानूनी, नैतिक और नियामक मुद्दों का जर्नल



E-Government's Effect on Corruption Reduction in Indonesian Local Government Bureaucracy: A Case Study in Central Java

Martitah, Slamet Sumarto, Widiyanto

Indonesia's protracted path toward e-government, which began in 2001 with the establishment of several infrastructure needs, was ultimately declared complete in 2018 with the declaration of the inaugural phase of e-government implementation at all levels of government. Indonesia chose e-government in general for three reasons: to capitalize on information technology breakthroughs for development, to boost government efficiency, and to decrease bureaucratic corruption. Based on field research, this essay proposes that implementing e-government in local government in Indonesia promotes government transparency, accountability, and public scrutiny. As a result, corruption has been drastically decreased in the licensing of firms and the procurement of products and services by local governments. This is because all government service operations and purchases of goods and services are transparent, ensuring that all stakeholders are kept informed throughout the licensing and procurement processes for products and services. Additionally, the local government governor's political will to use social media to engage the people in controlling the local government machinery contributes greatly to reducing corruption in the local government bureaucracy.