सामरिक प्रबंधन जर्नल अकादमी



Extending the Project Stakeholder Definition Presented Through an SDG Perspective

Elena Bulmer, Magali Riera, Jose Antonio de la Rosa

 Until very recently, non-human actors had not been taken into consideration within the project management discipline. However, the inclusion of these types of stakeholders is essential when we implement, for example, projects in the field of environmental conservation or in the corporate world that depend on natural resources for the core of their business and the development of their products. Despite this, natural resources tend to be overlooked in the stakeholder maps of projects. In this study, a marine conservation project was used to investigate the context of non-human stakeholders in projects. The study in question is in Normandy (France), and deals with the conservation of the bottlenose dolphin, the animal which is the main actor in the project. This study can be extrapolated and applied to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17, “Partnership for the goals”, and makes specific reference to SDG 14, which deals with marine conservation. We can then ask ourselves if the achievement of SDG 17, "Partnerships for the Goals", could perhaps be facilitated by the inclusion of non-human actors in the multiple stakeholder panorama of projects, as is the case with the bottlenose dolphin in this study.