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Factors Causing Government Hegemony in Lpd Management of Badung Regency

Anak Agung Ngurah Gede Sadiartha

Purpose: to test the factors causing government hegemony in LPD management in Badung Regency Design: This research is a culture study designed to determine the government hegemony in LPD management in Badung regency. This is a form of agreement from the ruling group to the custom village in Badung regency by selecting LPD classified as healthy and LPD classified as unhealthy. The research design uses a qualitative approach. Badung regency as the location of the researcher consisting of six sub-districts namely Petang Sub-District, Abiansemal Sub-District, Mengwi Sub-District, Kuta Utara Sub-District, Kuta Sub-District, and Kuta Selatan Sub-District. Findings: The causal factor of government hegemony in LPD management in Bali is the New Order era of the central government that had declared Five-year Development Plan (PELITA) as a work program. LPD activities have been able to strengthen their social capital in custom villages. Symbolic capital is reflected by the knowledge possessed by the government in managing the economy in the custom village. Ida Bagus Mantra’s educational background and experience are the symbolic capital that directed Bali forward in the face of modernization. Thus, education becomes very important in LPD management. The efforts to improve the quality of human resources are expected to anticipate the development of the era and challenges of the business world. Various business activities are reflected by the involvement of the government in providing initial capital for the establishment of LPD called Bourdieu as economic capital. The involvement of the initial capital of the government of Bali and the Badung regency became the spirit for the custom village in developing the economy in their custom village. It is run in Badung regency so that LPD of Kuta and Kerobokan Custom Village are able to increase their assets and profit, and the contribution of both LPDs have been benefited by their custom village. Originality: The originality of this research appears in the use of various paradigms, methods, and techniques developed therein into a way of establishing government hegemony in LPD management in Badung regency. For example, the government’s paradigm of maintaining custom village from globalization by strengthening local potential through economic activities.