एकेडमी ऑफ मार्केटिंग स्टडीज जर्नल



Food Waste: Behavioral Intent of Indian Consumers Yield of Food Security

Varun Nayyar

This current research analyzed data on the pretext of food waste, being initiated intentionally or unintentionally by Indian consumers that included sample of consumers being segmented through gender, household size, professional qualification, e-commerce benefit and age. Data was collected from 744 respondents (342 males & 402 females) through well drafted questionnaire and proportional odd regression model was used to rate the different phases of consumer food choices according to their usage and wastage. This model drafted relationship among the covariates (acquisition, storage & preparation) phases and their succeeding impact on food waste. At every phase, the influences of the previous phase on the current modeled phase was evaluated to caliber the impact of explanatory variables (socio-economic factors of consumers of developing nation India) on food waste by using proportional odd regression model analysis, which also tried to uncover the major drivers for food waste. It was evident from the findings that every phase with (categorized socio-economic variables) emphasized in revealing positive relationship of variables in lowering the frequency of food waste among consumers. On the contrary it has also been apparent that gender having e-commerce benefits seems to have elevated blend for food waste. For corporate these research outcomes can be outlined on specific food brands rather than on common food items to hasten their manufacturing by actually meeting supply and demand of the market.