कानूनी, नैतिक और नियामक मुद्दों का जर्नल



Formation of Parliamentarism in Kazakhstan: Current Agenda

Aliya Kassymbek, Kaliya Sartayeva, Yerzhan Satylganov, Arkhat Abikenov, Tynybekov Serikkali, Yermek Abiltayevich Buribayev, Omonulla Mukhamedzhanov

The role and place of the legislative power (parliament) in the structure of political institutions of society serves as a kind of indicator showing the degree of the country's advancement along the path of political modernization. With the completion of political transformation, that is, when a stable democratic system is created, the institutions of parliamentary democracy become its most important and integral part. It does not matter what form of state it is and the corresponding model of separation of powers that exists, as long as parliament has a real impact on political decision-making. The research revealed the specific features of the national parliament of Kazakhstan in the system of checks and balances of state power. Recently, attention has been escalated to the question of the optimal structure of the Kazakhstan Parliament, the need to move to a unicameral parliament. This idea is not new and interest in it usually arises on the eve of constitutional reforms, which is explained by the opportunity to discuss the prospects for political modernization of the country in the framework of the organizational and legal forms of its preparation. It is likely that the acceleration of political processes in the country, mass rallies, along with a change in the thirty-year rule of the first president, will put the authorities in front of the need to transform the legislative branch. This paper examines the impact of the current national characteristics of the formation of post-Soviet state to parliamentarism. Then we look at the predicted influence of parliamentary control over the executive. Relying primarily on Kazakhstan's experience, we analyzed potential changes in a democratic and constitutional spirit as a result of the redistribution of powers between the executive and legislative branches. Our statement is that the current Constitution of Kazakhstan requires increasing the role and expanding the powers of the parliament, granting the government the status of an independent executive body, introducing a multiparty system, and ensuring fair representation.