उद्यमिता अकादमी जर्नल



Group Activities and Communication Patterns on Empowerment of the Santri Tani Millennial Group (KSTM) in Indonesia: A Case in Sukabumi and Purwakarta West Java

Dyah Gandasari, Diena Dwidienawati, David Tjahjana, Mochamad Sugiarto, Mintarti

The growth and development of the young generation workforce in agriculture is a priority in agricultural development programs. Youth are expected to be the next generation in the agriculture business. The KSTM program aims to empower and foster the interest of the young generation in the agriculture business. The purpose of this study was to identify group activities and communication patterns for KSTM. This study was quantitative research with a descriptive survey method. The population of this study was santri and development agents in Sukabumi and Purwakarta. The samples were determined purposively from 32 Islamic boarding schools and development agents. The selected respondents were 36 santri and 17 development agents. Research Results: a) The majority of these santri groups are relatively new, but the santri respond positively to the empowerment program and are active in the empowerment program. b) All respondents know that group activities originating from the KSTM program are empowerment activities carried out by “government” development agencies. c) There are differences in the frequency of communication for both Santri and agents due to different communication materials in each stage of the KSTM program and not all agents are involved in all KSTM activities. d) Convergent and linear communication patterns.