उद्यमिता के अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जर्नल



How the Local Government Empowers the Community in Local Wisdom-Based Development? A case in Bandung Regency

Dadang M. Nasser, Nandang Alamsah Deliarnoor, Arry Bainus, Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna

Bandung Regency is one of the areas of West Java Province that is experiencing environmental damage problems caused by bad behavior in disposing of garbage, flooding, and the expansion of critical land. To overcome this problem, the Regent of Bandung initiated a development program by applying the values of local wisdom, which are called the values and spirit of 'Sabilulungan' as the power of social energy to motivate the community to participate in the program. This research explains how the application of 'Sabilulungan' local wisdom values has succeeded in overcoming environmental problems as well as the welfare of the affected communities. The novelty of this research is not solely about the importance of implementing the value of local wisdom in preserving local culture in community harmony where the government does not have to bother making programs and spending large budgets in overcoming development problems, the application of local wisdom values in Bandung Regency is actually capable of giving birth to development innovations. which was born from the idea of the local community in empowering and solving environmental problems faced by the community itself, while improving the welfare of the community