कानूनी, नैतिक और नियामक मुद्दों का जर्नल



Imam Ali's Legal Regulations of Non-International Armed Conflicts

Ahmed Yaqoob Ibrahim, Golamali Ghasemi

The Islamic religion is the second globally prevalent heavenly religion to which nearly 25% of the world's population belongs. Its principles targeted at all human beings everywhere and every time and are, in their entirety, calling for peace and good for all. These principles are included in the scripts of Holy Quran and the Prophet Mohammed taught them to his family and his companions in order to spread the message of heaven to all mankind. Among the main influential Islamic figures is Imam Ali, one of the Muslim clerics, the leader of pious and the God Messenger's trustee heir. Imam Ali is one of the miracles of Islam due to his vastly expanded personality, richness in various human life aspects, cultural creativity and doctrinal establishment for ages. Imam Ali took over the top of hierarchy of the Islamic state in 35 AH which is corresponding to 656 AD. During that era, a series of armed conflicts had occurred within the Islamic State as he set the governing rules, methods and means of warfare, which are, since then, regulating such armed conflicts in a manner that has not yet been reached by the international community. Therefore, it is necessary, for the sake of justice, to refer the governing principles of non-international armed conflicts to the first subject who established these rules and norms for such disputes, namely Imam Ali. This is especially considered when keeping in mind that Islam is one of the main civilizations adopted by the United Nations and it is one of the main sources of international legislation, particularly with regard to the rules of international humanitarian law and, according to Islam, what is issued by Imam Ali is a binding lawful legislation for all people.