कानूनी, नैतिक और नियामक मुद्दों का जर्नल



Implementation of UN security council decisions against countries and Indonesian interests

Abdul Maasba Magassing, Marthen Napang, Judhariksawan, Judhariksawan, Kadarudin

The Security Council is one of the six main organs of the United Nations. UN member states have given the Security Council primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security. In relation to the role of the Security Council in resolving disputes, it is an agreement between UN member states. Under Article 25 of the Charter, all UN member states have agreed to accept and implement the Security Council decisions. Every decision issued by the Council regarding its function in resolving disputes, the parties concerned are obliged to carry it out. The Charter of the United Nations does not provide further details on what is meant by international peace and security, or what actions constitute a violation of international peace and security. What is found in the Charter is simply the distinction of actions which threaten international peace and security in two senses. If based on the consideration of the Security Council there has been a threat or violation against international peace and security, then even though the Charter of the United Nations does not explicitly state what actions must be taken by the United Nations, the existing provisions and customs are applicable in law. internationally, it can be argued that the Security Council will go through the stages of action (1) Preventive Diplomacy; (2) Peacemaking; (3) Peacekeeping; and (4) Peacebuilding.