कानूनी, नैतिक और नियामक मुद्दों का जर्नल



Integrating Judicial Procedures an Offense of Intangible Larceny in Thai Courts

Yupayong Wingworn

The research purposes of the judicial guidelines of the Thai court of an offense of larceny, a case study of intangible larceny were 1) to study the theoretical concepts of an offense of larceny component according to the article 334 of the Penal Code relating to intangible larceny, and 2) to study and analyze the judicial guidelines of the Thai court in the case of intangible larceny through comparison of the Supreme Court judgment and related documents. This research study is a qualitative research. The information has been collected from documents, related research, the law, and Supreme Court judgment. This is a descriptive report which is analyzed from the obtained information. The research revealed as follows: 1) The court ruling on the offense of intangible larceny, but with an electrical component or can be converted into electricity. It can be considered in 2 cases, which is the case of guilty and the case of not guilty. 2) The court ruling on the offense of intangible larceny and does not have an electrical component or can be converted into electricity such as computer data, virtual properties or digital currency. The court is unable to convict on the offenders of larceny under Section 334 of the Penal Code.