कानूनी, नैतिक और नियामक मुद्दों का जर्नल



Legal Political Dimensions, Improvement Expertise Agency of the DPR RI in Implementing Research-Based Legislative Policy Making and Implementation of Independent Learning and Merdeka Campus in Indonesia

Idham, Soerya Respationo, Chablullah Wibisono, Elli Widia

The construction of the title of this journal is "Dimension of Legal Politics, Improving the Expertise Body of the DPR-RI in the Framework of Implementing Research-Based Legislative Policy Making and Implementation of an Independent Campus", with the formulation of the problem, namely how to implement the mandate of Pancasila as the State Constitution and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945 was actualized with the Independent Learning Policy and an Independent Campus (MBKM). The methodology and type of writing in the journal use normative legal research and by using secondary data and the analysis uses a legal research approach. Thus, this type of journal research is normative legal research. The results of the study indicate that Pancasila on June 1, 1945, as the State Constitution must be used as a Philosophical Paradigm (philosophy of paradigm), and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as the legal basis in a constitutional paradigm (constitutional of a paradigm), in the context of implementing the policies of the Independent Campus and Teaching Campus, it can realize the intellectual life of the Indonesian nation's children. It is recommended that the Indonesian House of Representatives Expertise Board together with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Technology Research of the Republic of Indonesia, immediately conduct and enhance collaborative cooperation to research in all fields and the National Life System (Sisnas-Ipoleksosbud Hankamnas), with constructivist principles and Mutual Cooperation through the Merdeka program. Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM). In the context of implementing the policies of the Independent Campus and Teaching Campus, it can realize the intellectual life of the Indonesian nation's children. It is recommended that the Indonesian House of Representatives Expertise Board together with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Technology Research of the Republic of Indonesia, immediately conduct and enhance collaborative cooperation to research in all fields and the National Life System (Sisnas-Ipoleksosbud Hankamnas), with constructivist principles and Mutual Cooperation through the Merdeka program. Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM). In the context of implementing the policies of the Independent Campus and Teaching Campus, it can realize the intellectual life of the Indonesian nation's children. It is recommended that the Indonesian House of Representatives Expertise Board together with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Technology Research of the Republic of Indonesia, immediately conduct and enhance collaborative cooperation to research in all fields and the National Life System (Sisnas-Ipoleksosbud Hankamnas), with constructivist principles and Mutual Cooperation through the Merdeka program. Learning and Independent Campus.