एकेडमी ऑफ मार्केटिंग स्टडीज जर्नल



Media and Artificial Intelligence: Current Perceptions and Future Outlook

Shah Alam

This research article explores the growing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the media industry, focusing on its impact on content creation, distribution, and consumption. The main objectives are to examine various applications of AI in media, including content generation, recommendation systems, and audience analytics. The article highlights the benefits of AI, such as enhanced personalization, cost-effectiveness, and improved efficiency. The findings reveal that AI-driven content creation tools offer a faster and more efficient way to produce articles and creative content, while AI-powered recommendation systems improve user engagement through personalized content suggestions. Audience analytics using AI provide valuable insights into user behavior, aiding targeted content delivery and advertising strategies. Despite these benefits, ethical considerations surrounding AI-generated content and misinformation are raised, emphasizing the need for responsible governance and media literacy. The article concludes that AI's integration in the media landscape offers immense potential for growth and innovation, but careful attention to ethical concerns is crucial to maintain credibility and trust in the industry.