लेखांकन और वित्तीय अध्ययन अकादमी जर्नल



Microfinance: Indian Context: Bibliography of Unclassified Literature

Kalyan kumar Sahoo, B. Raja Mannar, MD. Mafijul Islam

One can still have literature sources in works such as narratives, observations, assignments, communication, article, books, rhyme, dissertations, programs, and theory, along with others. This is why literature review engrosses examining the pages of any in print literature like books, newspapers, magazines, websites, webpage, assortment, paper, brochures, and the like where you may be capable to discover some reference to the matching matter that you are researching on. This article provides a review of the recent literature on microfinance in developing countries and a critical assessment of its effectiveness. It examines the experience of India, which has one of the largest microfinance sectors in the world, and particularly the unfolding of the microfinance crisis in Andhra Pradesh. It concludes that microfinance cannot be seen as a silver bullet for development and that profit-oriented microfinance institutions are problematic. To fulfil even some of its progressive goals, it must be regulated and subsidised, and other strategies for viable financial inclusion of the poor and of small producers must be more actively pursued.