उद्यमिता अकादमी जर्नल



Peer Coefficient: An Integral Constituent for Being A Successful Entrepreneur

Shuchi Singhal, Aparna Mendiratta and Varun Chotia

The paper makes an attempt to understand leadership from a novel perspective i.e. from the Peers bonding and affiliation described as ‘Peer Coefficient’. The present study validates the peer coefficient dimensions through fifteen Focused Group Discussions (FDG). The research reveals that peer coefficient can be classified under five broad dimensions and the sum of which can be helpful for leaders to assess and decide the leadership style he/she intends to follow in order to become a successful entrepreneur. The study also helps in envisioning a ‘Peer Coefficient Improvement Ladder’, which can act as a tool for successful entrepreneurs to align their leadership styles according to the micro (peer level) environment.