उद्यमिता अकादमी जर्नल



Potential Entrepreneurship Careers of Fourth Industrial Revolution-Based in Saudi Arabia

Yusuff Jelili Amuda

Several scholarly studies have investigated entrepreneurship in the context of Saudi Arabia. Since few years ago, there is an emphasis on need to meet the requirement of the fourth industrial revolution. Nonetheless, little focus is given on the potential of entrepreneurship careers of fourth industrial revolution (i.e. acceleration of digitization of socio-economic development as well as automation of different careers) in the country. The primary objective of this paper is to examine the potential entrepreneurship careers of fourth industrial revolution in Saudi Arabia. Systematic literature review (SLR) Qualitative library-based content analysis is employed in this research. The findings of the paper demonstrate that, there will be change in careers in Saudi Arabia, when organizations subscribed to 4th IR and automation. It is further reiterated that, there will be new careers as an integral part of fourth industrial revolution and old careers will be disappeared. Nonetheless, it is established that human roles will be needed in different aspects such as managerial skills and high decision making skill that cannot be digitized or automated. As a result of this, there is need for companies to utilize cyber physical space to in order to plan new careers that will include females in entrepreneurship activities in the country. Therefore, it is suggested that, the policymakers should be acquainted with the potential entrepreneurship careers of the fourth industrial revolution in fostering socio-economic development of the country.