एकेडमी ऑफ मार्केटिंग स्टडीज जर्नल



Price Perception & Continued Intention To Buy Organic Food: A Mediated Moderation Model

Priya K.M. and Uma Pricilda Jaidev

Consumers who initially adopt organic food often fail to continuously purchase organic food products. While many studies look at price as an impediment to continue to purchase organic, the positive role of price has not been sufficiently examined. This paper aims to establish the role of positive and negative price perceptions in the repeat purchase of organic food. The mediating role of health motivation and the moderating role of household income has been tested using data obtained from 226 organic food product consumers. Findings indicate that health motivation mediates the association between positive price perception and continued intention (CI) to buy organic. food. CI is adversely affected by negative dimensions of price perception. We found that consumers with a higher income and positive price perception along with its dimensions – price quality schema. and prestige sensitivity are more inclined to continuously buy organic food. Implications and future study guidelines are deliberated.

