एकेडमी ऑफ मार्केटिंग स्टडीज जर्नल



Reading Habits, Attitudes, and Preferences of College Students and their Perceived Benefits on One′s Knowledge and Skills

Suganya V and Kalaivani M

Recreational or leisure reading is all about the reader selecting their reading material. It is intrinsically or socially motivated and is generally considered a pleasurable activity for the reader. Reading has many direct and indirect personal, social, and, health benefits to the reader like enhancing literacy, improving cognitive skills, and reducing stress levels. Despite the numerous benefits, there has been a visible decline in the reading habits of college students in recent years. Additionally, physical books are losing popularity in the digital age with the rise of smartphones, tablets, and electronic devices. This study aims to identify the reading habits, preferences, and attitudes toward leisure reading and gain a deeper understanding of this trend.