एकेडमी ऑफ मार्केटिंग स्टडीज जर्नल



Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Airlines Industry

A. Thirunavukkarasu and V. R. Nedunchezian

The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction have been studied in the airlines service settings for more than decades. The purpose of this study is to test the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction with reflective-formative measurement model. The use of industry specific scale AIRQUAL for measuring service quality in airlines service and conceptualising second order service quality construct with reflectiveformative measurement model have been gaining importance recently in other services settings. However, higher order construct with reflective formative formative measurement models are not applied in predicting the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction for airlines services. Using survey based methodology; responses from passenger travelling between India and Europe were collected. Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLSSEM) was used to test the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in Airlines. The findings of the study predicted the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in airlines service using second order reflective-formative measurement model.