कानूनी, नैतिक और नियामक मुद्दों का जर्नल



Rights of Children in Islamic Perspective and Child Abuse in Pakistani Society Causes and Remedies from Islamic Teachings

Muhammad Umar Riaz Abbasi, Muhammad Saeed, Hafiz Musannif Shah, Iskandar Muda, Zaafour Abderrazak, Nazar Farid Ahmed

In many civilizations, what is deemed abusive in one society is considered acceptable in another. This article aims to look into Islamic beliefs on child abuse and protection. The findings show that the Quran and Hadith contain rules for excellent parenting. Islam also provides extensive guidance on children's rights. To protect and safeguard the rights and welfare of children, Islamic law demands not only practical legal consequences but also substantial religious, moral, and social measures and obligations. These concepts are the focus of this study. Ultimately, the goal is to adapt the practice to work within regions of alignment and convergence whenever possible. This report lays the groundwork for future research, policy, and training.