उद्यमिता के अंतर्राष्ट्रीय जर्नल



Statistical Analysis of Global Growth Rate

Nathier A. Ibrahim, Layla M. Nassir

The world population increased from (1800) million to (7.7) billion, and the population growth rate decreased from (2.2 %) annually during the last fifty years to (1.05 %). The improvement in the health situation leads to a decrease in the mortality rate, especially infant mortality, which leads to an increase in the population. The decline in population growth rate depends mainly on fertility rates. The main lesson of demographic transformations indicates that countries seek to reduce population growth rates by reducing the global fertility rate, thus the world will be in the next few decades in the end of rapid population growth. U N publications were used in this paper to analyze the challenges and transitions in various demographic data, in addition to that we use Malthusian model to get the predicting growth rate for several years. Data related to (Covid 19) epidemic, which killed millions of people and its impact on population growth, was also analyzed.
