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Stemtech Model in Asean Universities:an Empirical Research at Can Tho University

Bui Anh Tuan, Kim-Hung Pho, Lam Minh Huy, Wing-Keung Wong

In order to train human resources to adapt to the digital era, universities in ASEAN region have invested and developed programs related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) for many years. In that trend, under the support of Arizona State University (from the United States), Can Tho University, a member of the ASEAN University Network, has built a model to promote creativity, in which Technology elements are particularly emphasized and it is called STEMTech. An experiment on STEMTech model at Can Tho University was conducted in 2018 with three steps: (1) Training for students about STEM education, STEMTech model and some new technologies; (2) Each group of students make STEM products based on STEMTech model; (3) Student surveys. A statistical analysis was used to evaluate and improve STEMTech model. The results show that learners perceive STEMTech model quite positively, nevertheless, the access to the Technology factor in the model is quite difficult. This shows the necessary to develop STEMTech models to overcome limitations for learners and replicate this model to several other universities in ASEAN region.