उद्यमिता अकादमी जर्नल



Teaching Factory Learning Model to Improve Student's Entrepreneurship Competencies

Anik Kusmintarti, Sidik Ismanu, Ayu Sulasari and Tri Yulistyawati Evelina

The purpose of this research is to develop an entrepreneurship learning model with the teaching factory method to improve students' entrepreneurship skills. This is a research and development study, conducted at Polinema Bakery. The research stages include: (1) exploring potential problems; (2) collecting information on the bakery business, (3) designing a teaching factory learning model; (4) Implementing the Teaching Factory Learning model. We used simulation method to implement the model. The results of the study stated that after following the Teaching Factory Learning, students achieved a number of entrepreneurship skills which include risk-taking behavior, be innovative, disciplined, confident to create and sell products, improve public speaking skills, gain knowledge about the real bakery business, improve decision making skills, financing, marketing, sales. In addition, be responsible, creative, consistent, and focus on goals despite many obstacles.