कानूनी, नैतिक और नियामक मुद्दों का जर्नल



The Conferment of Customary Dayak Title in Central Kalimantan: Authority and Legal Implications

Ibnu Elmi AS Pelu

This paper aims to describe the phenomenon of the proliferation of customary Dayak titles, and the authority to grant customary titles in Dayak communities in Central Kalimantan and their legal implications. The approach method in this paper uses a legal moral approach and a multidisciplinary approach. This paper concludes that the idea of authority and the legal implications of granting customary Dayak titles is based on a respect and reverence for someone. At the level of system, the authority to grant customary titles in the Dayak tribe has undergone a cultural transformation, which is an open authority by the council of Dayak customary and has the authority to be closed by traditional Dayak leaders. Open authority in granting customary titles through the council of Dayak customary is the highest authority in the Dayak customary law. While in the context of the application, authority and legal implications of granting customary Dayak titles that is more contextual in strengthening the recognition and existence of law and indigenous peoples in the life of the nation.