उद्यमिता अकादमी जर्नल



The Effect of Learning Interest On Understanding of Inventory Management through Online Learning: A Study On SMEs Entrepreneurs In East Jakarta, Indonesia

Gusti Ketut Agung Ulupui I, Etty Gurendrawati, Siti Fatimah Zahra and Yunika Murdayanti

This study investigates the effect of learning interest in the understanding of inventory management through online learning. The study's data came from 35 small and micro companies (SMEs) in East Jakarta, Indonesia, that operate in the manufacturing sub-sector. SPSS regression analysis was used to examine the hypothesis's correlations. The findings show that having a higher degree of interest in learning about inventory management through online learning can help them run their firm more efficiently and minimize manual inventory recording errors. As a result, even if the learning is done online, someone with the greatest learning interest makes SMEs strive to understand the contents of the financial statements. Otherwise, inventory will be tough to comprehend if a person's learning interest is poor. This is because there are two types of factors that can support learning interest: internal factors and external influences. As a result, politicians, universities, non-governmental organizations, and any other interested party involved in helping SMEs should give the required training and resources to boost SMEs' inventory management practices, which will improve their competitiveness. This would increase their contribution to the country's economic prosperity. Another suggestion is that while this study focuses on the SMEs' manufacturing sub-sector in East Jakarta, it might be utilized to generalize to large and medium scale and overall sectors.