सामरिक प्रबंधन जर्नल अकादमी



The Effect of Logistics Processing in Improving Technological Innovation Analytical Research in Al-Ittihad Company for Food Industry in Babylon Governorate - Iraq

Ahmed Shamkhi Hassan Mohamed, Mujbil R. Merjan

This study aims to determine the effect of logistics processing on technological innovation, and to achieve this, the study adopted the logistics of processing with its dimensions represented by (determining the needs of processing, researching the supply market, choosing sources of supply, managing the demand for processing) and technological innovation with its dimensions represented by (open creativity, closed creativity). The study tried to answer the questions of the problem, the most important of which is to determine the nature of the relationship between the logistics of processing and technological innovation, the extent of the impact of the logistics of processing on technological innovation. The study was conducted at the General Company for Food Industries in Babylon Governorate, and the questionnaire was adopted to obtain the necessary data, as well as personal interviews, where the opinions of (163) of the company's employees were analyzed. The simple correlation coefficient was used to measure the correlation between the variables, as well as the (Z) test to test the significance of this relationship and the (T) test to determine the significance of the simple and multiple regression equation and the confirmatory factor analysis. The study sought to achieve a set of goals, the most important of which is assessing the extent to which the research organization understands (logistics processing) and the extent of its implementation and determining the dimensions of logistics processing and technological innovation. The study reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which are:

1. The current study standards represented by (logistics, processing, and technological innovation) have achieved good levels of confirmatory structural honesty, and this confirms the accuracy of the conceptual structures of these standards. Confirms the strength of the measures, their consistency, and the sincerity of their representation of the variables with a specific number of dimensions and measurement items.

2. The supplying logistics variable has a good degree of importance according to the answers of the respondents, which indicates that the study sample company is interested in organizing its relationship with the suppliers and determines the methods and chains of its supply and processing to ensure the smooth flow and flow of all types of inputs and the continuation of its production operations without stopping and support its orientations in achieving needs and desires customers.