सामरिक प्रबंधन जर्नल अकादमी



The Effect of Organizational Silence as an Intermediate Variable in the Relationship between Emotional Commitment and Strategic Change

Adel A Keshk

Modern organizations here have become more diversified than before as a result of the volume of communications within organizations that have become more sophisticated and interactive, and as a result, employees have been identified as a rich source for those to address and solve problems and issues related to work, although these employees often feel insecure When that administration asks them to express Their own opinions, ideas, and proposals because they believe that these comments about change may lead to the loss of their material incentives, which was expected to be obtained, this feeling of insecurity which consequently leads to that organizational silence. (Deniz et al., 2013) This research aims here to study the influential relationship between each of the organizational silence and the extent of its impact on both the emotional commitment and the strategic change in the performance of workers at Al Huda Factory for the production of clothing has been conducted on the workers in it, which was chosen here for him in this random way to know their views and the extent of their knowledge of those The negative effects of that silence and silence on the workers and employees of the factory and the presentation of those problems that occur in the work and the extent of its impact on the emotional commitment of the workers and employees towards the factory in addition to knowing the size of the strategic change in it and after it was done Distribute (300) a questionnaire designed to rely on those standards that have been previously tested with the same credibility and consistency on these workers and workers with the aim of analysing the data. It turned out and opinions have turned out to be those indicators of performance, so we must take into account the need to take into account the views of workers and try to know those the problems that these workers suffer from inside the workplace through holding continuous meetings and trying to reach solutions to them in order not to be transformed in the future into a problem that is difficult to deal with and solve.