एकेडमी ऑफ मार्केटिंग स्टडीज जर्नल



The Imapct of Mobile Wallet Services in Cash-Less Economy through the Digital Revolution

Sreeram Kumar and Venu Madhav

Payments and settlements are critical components of the financial system. In recent years, significant progress has been made in infrastructure development, FinTech adoption, digital fund transfer, security, regulatory sandboxes, and other financial sector areas. The modern Indian economy relies heavily on digital payments. Digital wallets are an example of an innovative digital payment platform that has been in use, particularly since demonetization. Mobile wallets have made banking services more accessible. Mobile wallet transactions in India have increased 40 times in the last five years. The study's goal is to examine user satisfaction with mobile wallet services and identify the factors that contribute to dissatisfaction. The objective of the study is to analyze the impact of mobile wallet services in cashless economy with the digital revolution. Descriptive type of research is used for the study. Secondary as well as primary data has been gathered for the study. The study looks at user satisfaction with digital wallet services and briefly explains how digital wallet service delivery affects user satisfaction. The study goes into detail about the various factors that influence the use of Digital Wallets. The study analysis the industry, objectives of research, hypothesis formulated definition of the basic terms, analysis and limitations are discussed.