सामरिक प्रबंधन जर्नल अकादमी



The Impact of the Inbound Logistics Practices on the Company Performance: A Focus on Steel Force Company, Windhoek, Namibia

Fidrich Kamati

The current study explores the effects of inbound logistics to the supply chain performance for the Steel Force Company based in Namibia. The enquiry examined the nexus between supply chain performance (SC) and inbound logistics practices utilising structured questionnaires as the major primary data collection tool. In conducting the enquiry the research population was constituted employees of the Steel Force Company which is based in Namibia. The study sample drawn from within the research population was constituted of 33 employees, and was reached through the use of the Slovene’s Formula. In the analysis, the research observed that inbound logistics practices which include among others, transportation, warehousing, Information Communication and Technology (ICT), procurement and inventory control, have the proclivity to hugely affect a company’s SC performance. One of the major conclusions of the research is that inbound practices are considered as invaluable in the operationalisation of the steel industry and possess the capacity to greatly influence the supply chain performance of companies. As such, these practices hugely affect supply chain performance especially so with regards to reliability, costs and client satisfaction. The enquiry recommends, from observing the analysed data that the research company must strive to make sure that enough resources are allocated to help improve operations. The organisation needs to also focus on talent and skills management by putting in place process for the retention and attraction of qualified manpower as well as making sure that management provides full support and has a visible involvement of all critical staff.