शोध आलेख
Performance Measurement System: Need Integration and Implementation in for-Benefit Social Enterprises in India
Spillover Effect among Carry Trade, Equity and Commodity in Indian Market Using Var Bekk Garch
Problems in Assets and Liabilities Management Practices Financial Sector in India with Special Reference to Selected Deposit Taking Nbfcs
Case Study Up in the Air: Analysis of Air Indias Current Operations and the Road Ahead
Role of Renewable Energy Consumption, Financial Development and Fdi in Promoting Trade and Sustainability: Evidence from Saarc Region
Determinants of Financial Performance of Micro Enterprise: An Empirical Study Self-Help Groups of Women Entrepreneurs
A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Capital Structure on Profitability
Firm Characteristics and Earnings Management Using Classification Shifting
Corporate Governance and Earnings Quality: An Empirical in Indonesia
A Quest for Sustainium (Sustainability Premium): Review of Sustainable Bonds
Restructuring Via Spinoff: An Analysis of the Accounting Rules