एकेडमी ऑफ मार्केटिंग स्टडीज जर्नल


आयतन 23, मुद्दा 3 (2019)

शोध आलेख

Exploring the Socio-Economic and Technological Situation of Indian Aviation Industry

  • Ashutosh Kolte, Balkrishan V. Sangvikar, Komal Tilak Shettigar and Kevin Francis Joy

शोध आलेख

Effect of Utilitarian Value and Hedonic Value on the Jambi Batik Purchase Decision

  • Dahmiri, Sigit Indrawijaya, Sylvia Kartika Wulan Bhayangkari, Nurida Isnaeni and Wirmie Eka Putra

शोध आलेख

Trust and Risk Perspectives of High Value Brands

  • Dr. Mohammed Laeequddin, Dr. K. Abdul Waheed and Dr. Ramkrishna Dikkatwar

शोध आलेख

Drivers of Marketing Channel Performance: Evidence from Iran

  • Mohammad Abbaszadeh, Mohammad Haghighi and Mohammad Rahim Esfidani

शोध आलेख

Determinants of Social Media Marketing Adoption among Smes: A Conceptual Framework

  • Bhabesh Kumar, Ahmed Al Asheq, Munmun Rahaman and Md. Mobarak Karim